More and more people are deciding to undergo myopia surgery due to the great results it offers, that is why at Clínica Martínez de Carneros we are specialists in myopia surgery in Madrid (PRK, FEMTOLASIK or ICL), a safe and effective intervention.
If you are thinking about where you can perform a myopia operation in Madrid, in Martínez de Carneros we have extensive experience. Before making any decision, our ophthalmologists will review your eyes thoroughly to recommend which is the best option.
They will also explain the procedure of each of the techniques we use, recovery time, side effects or possible complications, recovery time, contraindications with medications or the cost of surgery.
All this depending on your refraction defect, if your graduation is stable, your age and many more factors to offer you a good result.
Myopia is an anomaly or refractive defect that is characterised by having poor vision from afar. It occurs because the patient’s eye grows too long from front to back or because their cornea and / or lens are more powerful than normal.
As a result, the rays or beams of light come together in front of the retina, obtaining a blurred image of the observed object.
When myopia exceeds 5-6 diopters of potency, we will talk about magna myopia, which leads to other complications, especially in the posterior pole of the eye. It develops from infancy to 23-24 years.
The symptoms of myopia vary depending on each person but one of the main indications is when objects at a distance become blurred.
They can also appear as a symptom of myopia:
- The need to move closer to see objects correctly
- Eye fatigue or visual fatigue
- Headaches
To correct myopia we use 2 different methods and whether we use of one technique or another, depends on the type of myopia that the patient has. After a complete ophthalmological examination, the patient is told which method is the most appropriate for their case.
1.- Use of Divergent Lenses, (negative lenses), by two methods:
Glasses: They are the most used method for the correction of myopia and patients usually accept this option. Its main problem lies in aesthetics, because depending on the myopia the lenses will be quite thick. The lenses are thin in their central area and thick at the edges.
Contact lenses: Better vision is obtained than with glasses, because it is placed directly on the patient’s cornea, unlike glasses that present an eye-lens distance. Their main problem is manipulation and hygiene, as they can lead to conjunctivitis or infections, otherwise there has been a correct use of contact lenses. In some occasions, due to the physiology of the patient’s eye contact lenses cannot be adapted (Patients with dry eye).
2.- Refractive surgery for myopia operations
Refractive surgery is the current method we use to correct ametropia. Within it we find 3 different types of surgical techniques to treat each case depending on the needs of each patient:
- PRK: It is characterised by the use of the excimer laser that treats myopia directly on the epithelium. In this way around 14 microns of corneal thickness is removed for each diopter of myopia that needs to be corrected. The main inconvenience is postoperative, because when operating directly on the epithelium, a wound is created that must heal. Patients suffer discomfort and vision will not start to be good until around 1 week after surgery.
Its main advantage: little corneal thickness is removed, so that if myopia returns, it can be treated again.
- FEMTOLASIK: Unlike PRK, two lasers are used: the femtosecond laser, which lifts the flap (lifting epithelium and part of the corneal stroma), so that treatment of myopia with laserexcimer is performed below the flap.
Its main advantage is the postoperative, because when treated below the stroma, the flap acts as a plaster and healing is faster.
- Intraocular lens correction ICL: It consists in the introduction of a lens inside the eye with the exact graduation of the patient. It is located between the crystalline and the posterior part of the iris. It is a simple and fast surgery where the patient presents good vision the day after the surgery.
After the age of 60 we can correct myopia and other refractive defects by crystalline surgery replacing this natural lens with an artificial intraocular lens that can even correct presbyopia. Making the patient less dependent on post-surgery glasses.